Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are The Scots Nuts?!

Take a good look at this asshole!

His name is Abdel Paset al-Megrahi.

He is the convicted terrorist-bomber responsible for the bombing of PanAm 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988, which killed 259 people on board the aircraft, which left Heathrow (London) headed for JFK (New York), and 11 on the ground in Lockerbie.

Because al-Megrahi is suffering from cancer, the Scottish Government in its infinite wisdom has decide to release him from confinement, to return to his home in Libya.

The son-of-a-bitch should be allowed only to rot to death in prison!

Why do I care?

But for the grace of God, and my failure to end a business meeting on time, I missed my flight from London to JFK on that day. Yes, I was scheduled to be on PA 103, and it is frightening as hell to think that I could have been one of the victims . . . innocent people blown out of the air by this asshole! And now, the Scots want to release him!

I now know why some men in Scotland wear kilts. They're pussies! If they gave a damn about the people on that flight and for their families, they would do the right thing, and keep al-Megrahi in jail . . . for ever!

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